The transparency line is designed to report breaches of the Company’s Code of Conduct to be investigated and resolved with the aim of strengthening our principles and values.
The Estampados Monterrey Code of Conduct applies to all workers, customers, contractors and suppliers who have a business relationship with our company.
Any conduct that is considered a violation of the laws and regulations applicable to the Code of Conduct must be reported; such as theft, damage to company property, sexual harassment, misuse of company money, improper use of company assets and resources, fraud, usurpation of duties, disclosure or misappropriation of confidential information, unsafe conduct or conditions , abuse / extortion, consumption of alcohol or prohibited substances, bribes, illicit agreements, among others.
By reporting alleged violations, you will be able to remain anonymous. In case you want to identify yourself just fill in your personal data, your identity will be kept confidential.
Estampados Monterrey ethics committee will review and investigate each case, the ethics committee will seriously address the problem and work to ensure a satisfactory resolution in alignment with applicable laws and / or the Code of Conduct.

Reports may also be received by email: